06/19 – 21/2024
2024年6月19〜21日の3日間、KMB2024 51st Annual Meeting & International Symposium が韓国の釜山にあるBEXCOにて開催されました。
KMBとは、The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnologyの略称であり、韓国の微生物工学会です。
この3月のJSBBAの年次大会では日本がホストとなり、日韓の農芸化学分野の親交を深める目的で、KMBメンバーをお迎えしてシンポジウムを開催しました。そこで今回のKMBの年次大会では、韓国がホストとなり、日本農芸化学会(JSBBA)のメンバーが招待され、Joint Symposiumが企画されました。
The KMB2024 51st Annual Meeting & International Symposium was held at BEXCO in Busan, South Korea, from 19-21 June 2024.
KMB stands for The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Japan hosted the JSBBA’s annual conference this past March and held a symposium with KMB members with the aim of deepening the friendship between Japan and South Korea. Therefore, at this year’s KMB annual meeting, Korea was the host and members of the Japanese Society of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA) were invited and a Joint Symposium was organised.
Dr Hamano from our laboratory participated in the symposium as a director of the Public Relations Committee of JSBBA and introduced the history of JSBBA and the current activities of the society. The JSBBA President, Professor Nishiyama of the University of Tokyo, also spoke at the symposium, expressing his gratitude for the invitation and his expectations for future exchanges.
As a doctoral student belonging to JSBBA, Kohei Kaneda, a D2 student in our laboratory, was also invited to KMB2024 and gave a poster presentation.
In the poster session, not only university faculty members but also many Korean research institutes and students participated, and he was able to deepen exchanges in front of our posters.
A number of symposia were organized at the conference.
One of them was the Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Actinomycetes, which was also held at KMB 2024, and Dr. Maruyama from our laboratory was a speaker. Many people attended the symposium!
During the lunch break, we also enjoyed Korean barbecue, which we had longed for. It was a very meaningful international conference!