About Research
"Explore and utilise microorganisms with unlimited potential!"
微生物とは、文字通り、肉眼では見えないサイズの生き物のことです。「微生物」や「細菌」と聞いて、多くの人が真っ先に思いつくのは病原菌かもしれません。目に見えない細菌が、動物やヒトに病気を引き起こすと思うと、微生物はとても怖いもののように思うでしょう。 しかし環境中には、ヒトの数より遥かに多くの微生物が生育していて、その中で病気を引き起こすものは限られた種類の微生物だけです。むしろ多くの微生物が、人類にとって有益な働きを持っています。その有益な微生物機能を探究して、積極的に利用することを追求する学問こそが応用微生物学です。
"Microorganisms are, literally, creatures of invisible size. When most people hear the words 'microorganism' or 'bacteria', the first thing that comes to mind may be pathogens. When you think of invisible bacteria causing disease in animals and humans, microorganisms can seem very scary. However, there are far more microorganisms growing in the environment than there are humans, and only a limited number of them cause disease. Rather, many microorganisms have functions that are beneficial to mankind. Applied microbiology is the study that explores these beneficial microbial functions and pursues their active utilisation."
Our Researches
  • アミノ酸ホモポリマーの生合成研究
  • アミノ酸ホモポリマーの応用利用
  • 二次代謝産物の生合成研究
  • アミノ酸の生合成研究


"A diverse range of microorganisms exist in our immediate environment. These microorganisms use their own biosynthetic genes/pathways to produce a wide variety of metabolites. Although they often utilise similar (common) biosynthetic genes/enzymes to produce the same compounds, some use completely different biosynthetic genes/enzymes and it is becoming clear that there is also diversity in their biosynthetic pathways."

微生物が生産するポリマーの性質を利用し、その応用を目指す。 微生物由来のポリカチオン性化合物「PIECE(ピース)」。タンパク質や酵素、抗体にPIECEでポリカチオン化修飾することにより、動物細胞の細胞膜を極めて効率よく透過することとを、世界で初めて証明した。細胞内部の異常が原因で起こる疾病に対する医薬品開発への利用に期待が膨らむ。

"Our aim is to exploit the properties of polymers produced by micro-organisms. PIECE, a polycationic compound of microbial origin. We are the first in the world to demonstrate that proteins, enzymes and antibodies polycationically modified with PIECE can penetrate the cell membrane of animal cells quite efficiently. We expect this technology to be useful in the development of drugs for diseases caused by abnormalities inside cells."

私たちの生活に有用な生理活性物質の探索、応用、新規創製にむけて、微生物の探索、遺伝子・酵素の解析、化合物の生理活性試験に取り組んでいます。 研究課題の一部は、科研費 学術変革領域研究(A) 予知生合成科学の採択を受けています。

環境中には数多くの微生物が生育しています。 現在、新たな有用化合物、またはその化合物を作るために働いている酵素の探索源として、環境中からの微生物探索を進めています。特に放線菌や乳酸菌は、薬の素となる化合物を作り出すことで知られており、これらの微生物に着目して分離しています。

"In order to explore and create new useful bioactive substances, we are engaged in searching microorganisms, analysing microbial genes and enzymes, and testing the bioactivity of compounds. Some of our research projects have been supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Transformative Research Areas (A), Forecasting Biosynthesis.
Numerous microorganisms grow in the environment. We are currently searching for microorganisms from the environment as a source of new useful compounds or enzymes involved in the production of these compounds. Actinomycetes and lactobacilli in particular are known to produce many lead compounds of medicines, and we are therefore focusing our attention on these microorganisms."


しかし微生物の種類は膨大であるため、それらの中には依然として見過ごされている生合成経路が潜んでいると考えられます。新規な生合成経路に存在する未知な酵素・タンパク質機能の発見は、学術・産業の双方にとって重要であり、人類にとって有益であります。 そこで我々は、遺伝子情報や遺伝子工学、高度な分析技術等を用いることで、その潜在する生合成経路(世界で誰も解明していない!)を明らかにし、多様な微生物のより深い理解を目指しています。

"A diverse range of microorganisms exist in our immediate environment. These microorganisms use their own biosynthetic genes/pathways to produce a wide variety of metabolites. Although they often utilise similar (common) biosynthetic genes/enzymes to produce the same compounds, some use completely different biosynthetic genes/enzymes and it is becoming clear that there is also diversity in their biosynthetic pathways.
However, the sheer number of species of micro-organisms means that there are likely to be biosynthetic pathways still latent within them that are being overlooked. The discovery of unknown enzyme and protein functions in novel biosynthetic pathways is important for both academia and industry and is beneficial to humanity. Therefore, we are using genetic information, genetic engineering and advanced analytical techniques to identify the potential biosynthetic pathways (which no one else in the world has yet elucidated!) ) and to gain a deeper understanding of diverse microorganisms."