06/16 – 18/2024
2024年6月16〜18日の3日間に渡って、The 1st SAJ-SAK Joint Symposium が韓国ソウルにあるKonkuk Universityにて開催されました。
本セミナーは、日本放線菌学会と韓国放線菌学会が初めて開催する合同放線菌学会で、両国の放線菌に関わる研究者(+ 韓国の天然物研究者)の交流を目的に、韓国 Inha UniversityのEung-Soo Kim先生と、広島大学の荒川賢治先生が世話人となって開催されました。
会場となったKonkuk Universityは、ソウル市内にある大変大きな大学で、大学内には大きな池もあって綺麗な大学でした。
日本からは26名の日本放線菌学会会員が参加し、全部で43演題の口頭発表と、12名のパネリストによるPanel Discussionが行われました。
当研究室からは、丸山先生と長谷部先生が口頭発表を行い、濱野先生は日本側の代表の一人としてPanel Discussionで登壇しました。
The 1st SAJ-SAK Joint Symposium was held at Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea, from 16-18 June 2024.
The seminar was the first joint meeting between the Society for Actinomycetes Japan and the Society for Actinomycetes Korea and was organized by Prof. Eung-Soo Kim of Inha University, Korea, and Prof. Kenji Arakawa of Hiroshima University, with the aim of exchanging researchers involved in actinomycetes from both countries (+ natural product researchers from Korea).
For this business trip to Korea, we used the Kanpu Ferry, which operates one service daily from Shimonoseki. It was a large ferry, the weather was very good on the outward journey and the boat ride was comfortable (very inexpensive and we arrived while sleeping).
The venue, Konkuk University, is a very large university in Seoul. It is beautiful, with a large pond.
Twenty-six members of SAJ participated from Japan, 43 oral presentations were made, and 12 panelists held panel discussions.
From our laboratory, Dr. Maruyama and Dr. Hasebe gave oral presentations and Dr Hamano took the platform in the Panel Discussion as one of the representatives from Japan.
During the symposium, we were able to interact with many Korean professors during the coffee break, and we are looking forward to the next conference in Japan!